Date Published 23 March 2024
Earlier this week we caught up with the @cashforkidsmcr team at their supporters breakfast.
It was great to hear more about how the funds raised last year were used and learn about their fundraising plans for this year and how we can all get involved.
We are still shocked at the fact 1 in 3 children live in poverty in greater Manchester. @cashforkids is a national charity helping families across the country so wherever you live you can get involved, we work with @cashforkidsmcr and the money they raise stays local.
We're now busy planning for cash for kids day but we're also open to any fundraising ideas, so if there's something you'll donate to charity to see us do let us know 😅
#cashforkids #cashforkidsmanchester #charitypartner #charity #lettingagent #lettings #manchester #citycentre